video works 1 / sample#1 / sample #2 / sample #3

video works 2

HUMID CUSTOMERS (les habitants humides) with Natacha Musléra - musics by Arnold Schoenberg, Tsikamoï, Nervus Vagus, Bonobos - texts by Jean- Luc Nancy, Maurice Blanchot - colors - 66 mn - ©2003 petaouschnock films : an extraterrestrial and a hunter, a history of love in three parts without counting: appearance of the forms, birth of the direction (bodies), memory and adaptation of the movement. An itinerant cinematographic tale, the portrait of Nana. It was necessary (absolutely by all the means) to move away from the objects, tools which form my daily life, to invent a bond between "the other and myself" in these unknown grounds, to seek the plethora.

"... cet emploi sans mot-dire du texte, qui trouve en effet dans le mouvement des images un écho réel bien que diffus, ou difracté" Jean-Luc Nancy

"At the beginning no scenario, no writing... The writing took shape with the time of orality, of the thing being done, to model themselves, to feel "

video works 3 / sample #1 / sample #2

OBJETS NON-DOMESTIQUÉS+ JEUX DE HASARD - 2004 / 4 X 11:04 - music by Jean-carl Feldis : video installation

video works 4

ALICE END ALICE - 2005 / 28:44 - performance by natacha muslera and marie passarelli - art work by marie passarelli - music by toc toc (n.muslera, n.gerber) : video installation

video works 5 / samples

NERVUS VAGUS MODULE #10 - Films 1 to 6 - 12 Egg MASK ©2005 with christian gerber and nicolas gerber : performance capture and fiction documentary

video works 6

GRAND MÈTRE WILDFENSTER, L’HISTOIRE D’UN HÉLICOSOPHE SUISSE with christian gerber - music by Erik Satie and Pink Floyd : poem documentary of my brother

video works 7 / sample #1 / sample #2 / sample #3


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films, videos, installations, performances, actions, archives